Corydora: Care Guide

Are you on the lookout for that perfect, bottom-feeding companion for your freshwater aquarium? Well, your search ends here! Let’s explore the fascinating aspects of their life, from the intriguing details of their care to finding the ideal tank buddies and designing the perfect aquascape that complements their natural environments.

Corydoras General Information

Corydoras belong to the Callichthyidae family and range throughout South America. There are over 170 recognized species of Corydoras, with 100+ species yet to be given scientific names. Their streamlined shape and playful demeanor make them a joy to watch as they dart and forage along the substrate. With a maximum size of around 2 inches, these petite catfish are well-suited to both small and large aquariums. In the wild, Corydoras inhabit slow-moving rivers, streams, and tributaries, where they forage along the substrate for food and seek shelter among aquatic vegetation and submerged driftwood. Corydoras are renowned for their distinctive shuffling technique, a playful swimming motion where they use their pectoral fins to stir up the substrate in search of food particles.

Tank Size and Water Parameters

When it comes to housing Corydoras, a tank size of at least 20 gallons is recommended to accommodate their social nature and active foraging behavior. Maintain stable water parameters with temperatures ranging from 72-78°F, pH levels between 6.5-7.5, and gentle water flow. Soft, sandy substrate and ample hiding places are essential to replicate their natural habitat and minimize stress.

Corydoras Shopping List

Social Dynamics and Tankmates

Corydoras are peaceful and sociable fish that thrive in the company of their own kind. It's best to keep them in small groups of at least seven individuals to promote natural behaviors and reduce stress. When selecting tankmates, opt for peaceful species such as cardinal tetras, rasboras, and small gouramis that won't compete for resources or harass the Corydoras.

Feeding Behavior

Feeding Corydoras is a breeze, as these omnivorous catfish eagerly accept a varied diet of high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods. Supplement their diet with blanched vegetables, algae wafers, and occasional treats like bloodworms or brine shrimp to ensure optimal nutrition and vibrant coloration.


Create a captivating underwater landscape for your Corydoras by incorporating a mix of live plants, driftwood, and rocks. Dense vegetation provides shelter and hiding places, while open swimming areas allow the Corydoras to explore and display their natural behaviors. Consider adding floating plants to diffuse overhead lighting and create a dappled, naturalistic effect.

Guarding Against Common Ailments

While Corydoras are generally hardy fish, they may be susceptible to common aquarium ailments such as ich, bacterial infections, and parasitic infestations. Monitor water quality closely, perform regular maintenance, and quarantine new additions to minimize the risk of disease transmission within the tank.

Corydoras are a radiant addition to any freshwater aquarium, offering beauty, charm, and vitality in abundance. By providing proper care and attention to their needs, you can unlock the full potential of these enchanting catfish and create a dynamic underwater ecosystem that's sure to inspire wonder and admiration.


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